About Alpha Property and Facilities Management
Only the Best
Company Infrastructure
Alpha Property and Facilities Management, is located at L4/172/580 Hay Street, Perth. Our central location, near entrances to the freeway north and south, provides for easy access to the entire Perth Metropolitan area. We wish to outline our services and capabilities for consideration. We have a unique blend of services and experiences within Alpha that will provide the necessary service needs for Real Estate, Facilities Management, Project Management and design. Alpha will have a dedicated team in place to ensure that your requirements are met. We are flexible and can tailor our services to your specific needs. We have the capacity for ‘Reactive Facilities Maintenance’, comprising of the following points:
- Facilities response Centre (24/7)
- Based locally in Perth
- Flexible and Innovative
- Improve Management efficiency
- Detailed Reporting
- Incident and Risk Analysis
- Managed security
- Ensure Transparency between stakeholders

Years Established
Completed Projects
Office Staff
Only the Best
ALPHA Advantage
We offer added value in Architectural services and are experienced with Facilities Management, having worked on major hotels, Internationally and within Australia. All client records are kept secure, in locked metal filing cabinets. All electronic data is backed up on a regular basis, and stored securely. We have the latest property management software from Timberline to XERO, whose clients include major institutional property owners and leading property agencies. This software allows Alpha to customise financial reports to meet client requirements, and promote the efficient running of the portfolio. Our communications systems will allow us to attend promptly to any issues that may arise, and to be personally contactable in case of an emergency situation. We have a website that is updated regularly. Each director is contactable via mobile or Email. Our intended resident on site can action problems quickly and efficiently. An efficient office is important, as it provides our people with more time to dedicate to servicing clients.

Years Established
Completed Projects
Office Staff
Our Real Estate approach is one of personalised service and duty of care for our clients’ valued assets. We are pro active to seize opportunities in property improvement and quality service dedication.
Ross Sta Maria, Director and Licensee
Ross Sta Maria B.Sc. (Architecture) Dip HIA Triennial RIBA Licensee
•Facilities Management
•Architectural services
•Project Management Services Experience:
Self-managed business and held positions as Senior Associate, Group Design Manager and Senior Designer for several reputable Architectural firms, Nationally and Internationally, such as, Dubai and China and have run projects throughout Australia, Singapore and Malaysia 30 years design and Project Management experience.
Education and Training: Degree in Applied Architectural Science Curtin University WA Completion of Housing Consultants Course HIA Member of the Society of interior Designers of Australia Honorary Member of the Inner City Housing Developers Association 2000 Certificate in Sales and Project Management Languages: Indonesian and Basic Mandarin.
Ross has had a distinguished career in the field of projects and design, winning many accolades and awards from reputable industry bodies. His commissions have been obtained from numerous local, national and international companies. Ross has also successfully pioneered a number of businesses together with a number of joint venture partnerships over the course of his career.
The skill, experience and abilities Ross brings to Alpha Property is invaluable and provides for a holistic approach to management of property.
Recognitions and Awards:
Commendation Award (RAIA) – Perth International Airport Terminal WA (Interiors Category) (Awarded to Ross Sta. Maria, The Interiors Group)
Commendation Award (RAIA) – Malaysian Airlines Building (Restoration Category) (Awarded to Ross Sta. Maria, Interiors Group) Design in Excellence Award (FIA) – CSIRO (Furniture Design) (Awarded to Ross Sta. Maria, Interiors Group)
Building Excellence Award (HIA) -Aurora Apartments, East Perth (Awarded to Pindan Constructions with Ross Sta. Maria’s design)
Building Excellence Award (HIA) -Manhattan Apartments, East Perth (Awarded to Q-Con Builders with Ross Sta. Maria’s design)
In 2004, Ross, for Jcorp, won the MBA Award for the category of ‘narrow lot designed home’. In 2005, Perceptions, under Ross’s direction won the design award for the best residential designed home, under $300,000.00, ‘The Daintree’ in Baldivis, Western Australia. In 2006, as part of the HASSELL Perth Design team in Interiors, for 140 St. George’s Terrace, Perth. The project completed in 2010 and was awarded the most prestigious RAIA, George Temple Poole, Architecture award in 2011 World Luxury Hotel Awards 2014/15 Australasia & Oceania Winner: Best Luxury Restaurant Hotel. Design and Fit-Out, completed on time and on budget.
Director & Licensed Agent
•Property Management Division
Irving completed most of his education overseas in Malaysia. He attended the University of Canberra upon migrating to Australia in 1973 where he studied Foreign Languages. He has received formal training in numerous Real Estate disciplines, is a licensed agent and has also successfully completed the Commercial Management examinations.
Irving’s work experience commenced in Malaysia where he worked mostly in the Department of Chemistry in Kuala Lumpur and the District Court in Negri Sembilan in the Administration Division.
In 1973 Irving migrated from Malaysia where he worked in Canberra for 3 years and then transferred to Perth in 1976 with the Australian Government Service. In 1979 Irving moved into the Property area of the Department of Administrative Services where he excelled in a number of areas. Notable achievements during this time included:
•Refurbishments of No.1 St. George’s Terrace & the Government Offices in South Hedland
•Sale of No.1 St George’s Terrace •Numerous Pre-commitment Leases within Western Australia
•Feasibility studies of both Christmas & Cocos Island •Compulsory Acquisitions
•Member of DAS Marketing Board •Workplace Delegate
•During this time Irving received many commendations from clients for his service, culminating in the receipt of the following awards:
•State Manager’s Quality Service Award (Australian Property Group) 1992
•General Manager’s National Customer Focus Award (Australian Estate Management) 1994 In late 1994 Irving joined the private sector with the international firm of Jones Lang Wootton (now Jones Lang LaSalle) where he again excelled, bringing into the firm a large number of clients.
He was pivotal in introducing new innovations and, during his time, played a key role in raising the profile of the Company to number 1 in the State. During this time not only did Irving bring in new managements; he was responsible for several sales and listings, including that of 251 Adelaide Terrace, 68 Milligan Street, and a number of industrial properties, and significant leasing transactions. In July 1998 Irving was seconded to Global Property Solutions, a joint venture arrangement between Jones Lang LaSalle and P&O to service the ANZ Bank’s property portfolio in Western Australia. Having successfully completed the implementation of this contract he then returned to Jones Lang LaSalle, where he headed a new innovative Division within the company as Director of National Procurement, servicing all the goods and services contracts for the Company and it’s clients, covering the whole Asia Pacific region.
Several millions of dollars were saved during this time through the implementation of improved contract terms and conditions.
In early 2002, Irving joined Colliers International for a brief period and became disillusioned with the services that large companies provided to its clients. As he already had a long-standing relationship with a number of clients whom he saw did not and could not be serviced by large organization, he decided to form a company with a number of experienced and respected people in the Perth real estate industry and hence established Alpha Property & Facilities Management Pty Ltd.
Lorraine Sta Maria Administrations Manager Financial Controller Lorraine Sta Maria has had 20 years of business administration experience and recently coordinated project management for the flooring contract for Queens Apartments, East Perth. Lorraine is also a director of Impressions Architectural Designers.
•General Accounts
•Trust Accounts
•Office Management
•Project Management Qualifications and Experience Over 25 years of working as a director in Design and Project Management, Lorraine is multi skilled in her Administration role with out sourcing and procurement. Lorraine has also been involved in large-scale projects, such as the management for Commercial Floor covering for multi storey residential unit development and Commercial Interiors.
Director & Licensed Agent
•Property Management Division
Irving completed most of his education overseas in Malaysia. He attended the University of Canberra upon migrating to Australia in 1973 where he studied Foreign Languages. He has received formal training in numerous Real Estate disciplines, is a licensed agent and has also successfully completed the Commercial Management examinations.
Irving’s work experience commenced in Malaysia where he worked mostly in the Department of Chemistry in Kuala Lumpur and the District Court in Negri Sembilan in the Administration Division.
In 1973 Irving migrated from Malaysia where he worked in Canberra for 3 years and then transferred to Perth in 1976 with the Australian Government Service. In 1979 Irving moved into the Property area of the Department of Administrative Services where he excelled in a number of areas. Notable achievements during this time included:
•Refurbishments of No.1 St. George’s Terrace & the Government Offices in South Hedland
•Sale of No.1 St George’s Terrace •Numerous Pre-commitment Leases within Western Australia
•Feasibility studies of both Christmas & Cocos Island •Compulsory Acquisitions
•Member of DAS Marketing Board •Workplace Delegate
•During this time Irving received many commendations from clients for his service, culminating in the receipt of the following awards:
•State Manager’s Quality Service Award (Australian Property Group) 1992
•General Manager’s National Customer Focus Award (Australian Estate Management) 1994 In late 1994 Irving joined the private sector with the international firm of Jones Lang Wootton (now Jones Lang LaSalle) where he again excelled, bringing into the firm a large number of clients.
He was pivotal in introducing new innovations and, during his time, played a key role in raising the profile of the Company to number 1 in the State. During this time not only did Irving bring in new managements; he was responsible for several sales and listings, including that of 251 Adelaide Terrace, 68 Milligan Street, and a number of industrial properties, and significant leasing transactions. In July 1998 Irving was seconded to Global Property Solutions, a joint venture arrangement between Jones Lang LaSalle and P&O to service the ANZ Bank’s property portfolio in Western Australia. Having successfully completed the implementation of this contract he then returned to Jones Lang LaSalle, where he headed a new innovative Division within the company as Director of National Procurement, servicing all the goods and services contracts for the Company and it’s clients, covering the whole Asia Pacific region.
Several millions of dollars were saved during this time through the implementation of improved contract terms and conditions.
In early 2002, Irving joined Colliers International for a brief period and became disillusioned with the services that large companies provided to its clients. As he already had a long-standing relationship with a number of clients whom he saw did not and could not be serviced by large organization, he decided to form a company with a number of experienced and respected people in the Perth real estate industry and hence established Alpha Property & Facilities Management Pty Ltd.
Lorraine Sta Maria Administrations Manager Financial Controller Lorraine Sta Maria has had 20 years of business administration experience and recently coordinated project management for the flooring contract for Queens Apartments, East Perth. Lorraine is also a director of Impressions Architectural Designers.
•General Accounts
•Trust Accounts
•Office Management
•Project Management Qualifications and Experience Over 25 years of working as a director in Design and Project Management, Lorraine is multi skilled in her Administration role with out sourcing and procurement. Lorraine has also been involved in large-scale projects, such as the management for Commercial Floor covering for multi storey residential unit development and Commercial Interiors.
Facilities Manager
Gerard is our Facilities Management Ambassador and provides FM Services to a number of our clients. He has been with the company for over 12 years. With his extensive experience in the day to day running of the property portfolio, Gerard, is a great ‘trouble shooter’ and leads the team with effective building maintenance solution, and plays a key role in dealing with both tenants and contractors.
Current Responsibilities
• Facilities Management
• Properties Management
• Building Supervision Properties managed
• 7 Rheola Street , West Perth
• 1 Walker Avenue, West Perth
• Landsdale Shopping Centre
• Huntingdale Shopping Centre
• Forsyth Street, O’Connor
• 1405 Wittenoom Street
• 100 Murray Street, Perth
• Residential units, Metropolitan Area

Mananya Kemenngan (Nhoon)
Accountant Responsibilities:
Trust Accounting Financial Accounting Systems Qualifications: Nhoon is undergoing her degree in Accounting and does the book-keeping for Accounts and data entry. Nhoon, operates Alpha’s Trust Accounting system that provides the financial requirements of the Trust.
Nhoon, also takes care of the administrative needs of the company and looks at better systems to improve accounting efficiency.
Together with administration, budgeting and financial management, and promotions, Nhoon’s experience is diverse, in terms the nature of properties managed, tasks undertaken and the range of clients serviced.